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Lent and Easter 2023.


Begining on Ash Wednesday, Lent is 6 weeks of reflection and preparation, ending in the joyful celebrations of Easter Day. 

We look forward to travelling the Lenten journey with you this year.

Follow us also on Instagram: standrewschurchham


Lent course 2023

Our Lent course this year is based on the book ‘Entering the passion of Jesus’ A beginner’s guide to Holy Week, by Amy-Jill Levine.

The themes for each of the six weeks takes us into the history and literature surrounding the last days of Jesus’ life. Levine sets the narrative in historical context and analyses the risks and motives of the story’s characters, showing how the text raises ethical and spiritual questions for the reader.


Starting at 7pm, for about an hour. We will meet in on zoom.

Please contact the Parish Office if you have any questions or would like the zoom link to take part.


Week 1, Thurs 23rd February - Intro and 1. Jerusalem.

Week 2, Thurs 2nd March - The Temple.

Week 3, Thurs 9th March - Teachings.                          

Week 4, Thurs 16th March - The First Dinner.

Week 5, Thurs 23rd March - The Last Supper.

Week 6, Thurs 30th March - Gethsemane and Afterword. 



Ash Wednesday, 22nd February

There will be Services of Holy Communion at both 10.30am and 7pm, including the ‘imposition of Ashes’. The service leader uses ash to draw a cross on the forehead of those who wish, reminding us of our mortality ‘remember you are dust and to dust you shall return’, and to make the most of each precious day of life by being faithful to Christ.


Mothering Sunday, 19th March

8am Service of Holy Communion (traditional language). 

10:15am Service of Holy Communion (modern language) where we will hand out flowers to everyone to celebrate the different ways we love and support each other. There will be Sunday School in the hall (for ages 3+). 


The last week of Lent is called Holy Week and begins on Palm Sunday. The events of this week remember the final week of Jesus’ life before his Crucifixion. Holy Week and Lent end on Holy Saturday. The next day is Easter Day which begins the new season of Eastertide.


Palm Sunday, 2nd April

8am Service of Holy Communion (traditional language). 

10:15am All Age Service (without Holy Communion) with blessing of palm crosses.  

At 7pm join us for a special musical service of Choral Tenebrae with choir, and extinguishing of candles symbolising the start of Holy Week. 


Maundy Thursday, 6th April

7pm Service of Holy Communion, after which the altar is stripped and all lights extinguished. The service is followed by a short ‘watch’ for those who wish to stay and keep vigil.


Good Friday, 7th April

At 10am is a family service telling the Easter story and also Easter craft.

12noon – 3pm is a three-hour devotion with reflections, music and silence. You can come and go quietly at any time, and be there for a short time or for the whole three hours.


Easter Sunday, 9th April

The most joyful day of the Christian Calendar! There will be Holy Communion Services at 10:15am and 12noon.



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