Supporting St Andrew's.
Regular gifts and one-off donations.
We are so grateful to everyone who supports us, with their time, skills and financially. The ministry of our church changes lives, both within our church and in the wider community, and, despite the challenges of the last year, we continue to look forward to an exciting future providing friendship, encouragement, support and enabling spiritual growth and community.
St Andrew's is entirely dependant on the charitable giving of individuals like you. Thanks to the generosity of those who support us we are able to provide a constant presence in our community, serving people of all ages and backgrounds, providing a place of regular worship and fellowship, and walking along side people through life's moments and milestones.
The money you give is used effectively and efficiently to deliver our core aims. Every gift helps. If you are able to give regularly, particularly with the new Parish Giving Scheme, this helps us immensely to plan and budget efficiently.
As you reflect on your personal giving to our church, please could you consider giving a monthly gift? This regular form of giving is so helpful for securing the future of ministry at St Andrew's. We know that these are difficult times for many, but please pray about your gift and give what you feel is appropriate. Please feel free to contact Richard Barber, Warden and PGS Co-ordinator if you have any questions.
Thank you for your generosity.

Parish Giving Scheme (Regular Gifts)
Please use the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) to donate regularly to St Andrew’s. The change to using the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is supported wholeheartedly by the PCC and we encourage everyone to please join this scheme and (if you currently have a direct debit or use envelopes) to move over to this scheme from any other.
The PGS is a Direct Debit service, which enables you to give safely and securely on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. We receive 100% of your donation plus Gift Aid is automatically claimed for us, which reduces our administration. To find out more about PGS, please read the documents on the right.
You can join the PGS:
1. By phone, 0333 002 1271 (lines open Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)
2. By post (by printing out the gift form on the right)
3. Online here.
The PGS is based on Direct Debits. So please remember:
1. To agree to Direct Debits
2. If you can, please agree to increase your donation annually by the amount of inflation
3. Cancel your existing Standing Order if you have one.
You will need your personal bank account details, and our PGS details:
PGS Name: Ham St Andrew
PGS Code: 370637130
As a church we rely entirely on the financial generosity of supporters like you. Your support enables our ongoing ministry. By giving regularly through PGS, you are also ensuring that our building is maintained, staff are paid, and the doors of St Andrew's are open to the local community.
If you are UK taxpayer, please make a Gift Aid declaration; this increases your gift by 25% at no cost to you. Please also choose to inflation-link your giving which will be an enormous help as we face rising costs over the years.
Thank you for your generous support – it is greatly appreciated.
The leaflet (below) gives an overview of the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS).
You can print out this gift form (below) if you want to register for the PGS by post.
Other ways to give (One-off donations)
Thank you for considering a one off gift to St Andrew's. Your donations make all the difference, including one off gifts through CAF using the donation buttons below, or in the giving plate or using the card reader at the back of church after a service.
Thank you for your support.