​15th December - 6pm Carols by Candlelight.
This is not a ticketed event, you can just turn up.
24th December - 5pm Crib service with Nativity performance by our Sunday school children.
Please come along dressed up as an angel, shepherd or wise men if you would like to.
This is not a ticketed event, you can just turn up. However, this service is usually very popular and if we get to the capacity of our building we will have to turn further people away for safety. Please arrive in good time to get a seat.
24th December - 11pm Midnight Mass, Holy Communion service.
As midnight approaches, we celebrate the dawn of Christmas Day.
This is not a ticketed event, you can just turn up.
25th December, Christmas Day, Holy Communion service.
All welcome, let's celebrate Christmas morning together!
This is not a ticketed event, you can just turn up.