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St Andrew's Electoral Roll


Every Church of England has to keep an electoral roll which is a list of the names and addresses of every person who can vote in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). A completely new roll has to be prepared every six years during a two month period leading up to the APCM. No names can be carried forward from the previous roll and so those on the previous roll are informed in order that they can re-apply. 2019 is the year of the renewal of the roll with the next one due in 2025.

Before the APCM, in every year between the next electoral roll renewal, the existing roll is amended and brought up to date. New names may be added and others removed. People can apply to go on the electoral roll at any time provided they meet the criteria and their application has the approval of the Parochial Church Council.

Why go on St Andrew’s electoral roll?

It enables greater participation in the life of the church. It entitles you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meetings for decisions essential to the running of the church and to stand for membership of the Parochial Church Council, Deanery Synod and other bodies of governance within the Church of England.

What qualifications do I need to be on the roll?

You need to be baptized and aged over 16 or will be in the next twelve months; you should live in the parish or have regularly worshipped at St Andrew’s for at least six months. You should be a member of the Church of England, the world-wide Anglican church or of another church which believe in the Holy Trinity. You cannot be on the electoral roll without completing an application form.

When and where can I get an application form?

These are available from the back of the Church and the Parish Office and can also be downloaded by clicking on the picture below.


What should I do with the form?

They should be returned to the Parish Office.

During the period of preparation of the new roll and the annual revision period, completed application forms can also be dropped in the designated box at the back of the church.

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